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Quietly observing the Winter Honeymoon

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For the under-5 set and their families, getting used to the academic calendar comes with growing pains. Just the concept of an academic year “ending” has undone many a young child who thought school would go on forever with this teacher in this room.

From the perspective of young children, summer becomes a time of missing what we used to have, and worrying about what comes next. August is anxious as we ready for new things in September.

September is a time ...

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The spirit of giving: How children’s gifts are received

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It was Christmas morning. As the family sat around the little tree, under which was a modest pile of wrapped gifts, Nina could not contain herself.

She ran to the tree, pulled her gifts away from the others and distributed them; one for Poppa, a couple for Mommy and Daddy, and one for Grandma.

She then stood by and watched, wriggling and grinning as they were opened. She was almost 4 and her babysitter had helped her make a card for each ...

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A Father’s Thoughts on Thanksgiving and First Snowfall

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November 24, 2022

If you’d told me a couple of years ago I’d be spending Thanksgiving morning in my kitchen cutting up bananas for a 19-month-old who insists on dancing to the Bollywood song “Zoobie Doobie” over and over again … I probably would have believed you, but I wouldn’t have seen the path to get there. 

Today I see the path. 

Feeling grateful.


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