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Lightning Bug has learned to play Hide And Seek, which is delightful.
Although her strategy as Seeker seems to be to tell you to hide, then surreptitiously peek through her fingers to see where you hide, and then proceed to count to ten and yell “READY ...
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For the under-5 set and their families, getting used to the academic calendar comes with growing pains. Just the concept of an academic year “ending” has undone many a young child who thought school would go on forever with this teacher in this room.
From the perspective of young children, summer becomes a time of missing what we used to have, and worrying about what comes next. August is anxious as we ready for new things in September.
September is a time ...
Read More →A gift I didn’t know I needed:
I had a dream that Carol and I and the baby (Lightning Bug) were walking to our car in a grocery store parking lot at night. We saw a figure across the lot under a streetlight. ...
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Well, we waited ’til the tail end of winter, but Lightning Bug finally had her first sledding adventure.
She was nervous and excited about it – her only references were books where characters loved sledding, but the idea of hurtling out of control ...
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Lightning Bug and I are looking at lovely delicate Christmas balls that my cousin gave us. Each ball opens up to reveal a scene that moves as music plays, like a music box.
The first is a train moving through the ...
It was Christmas morning. As the family sat around the little tree, under which was a modest pile of wrapped gifts, Nina could not contain herself.
She ran to the tree, pulled her gifts away from the others and distributed them; one for Poppa, a couple for Mommy and Daddy, and one for Grandma.
She then stood by and watched, wriggling and grinning as they were opened. She was almost 4 and her babysitter had helped her make a card for each ...
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November 24, 2022
If you’d told me a couple of years ago I’d be spending Thanksgiving morning in my kitchen cutting up bananas for a 19-month-old who insists on dancing to the Bollywood song “Zoobie Doobie” over and over again … I probably would have believed you, but I wouldn’t have seen the path to get there.
Today I see the path.
Feeling grateful.
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