Hanna Perkins Center is recognized world-wide for its unique program focused on the healthy emotional and social development of children and families. Your gift helps to support direct service to children and parents, professional training for therapists, research, education, and community engagement.
Hanna Perkins School
Best-practices therapeutic pre-school, kindergarten and toddler program that features coaching and support for parents. The curriculum is individually tailored to focus on the skills and capabilities of each child. Our unique approach recognizes the essential role of family in a child’s development. Scholarships are critical in helping to reduce the financial burden for families who are underinsured or uninsured.
Bullying Prevention
Our innovative “My Mad Feelings” program helps children ages 3-6 learn to recognize, modulate and manage their feelings to build the emotional muscle that provides a lifetime of protection from bullying or being bullied. Financial support increases our capacity to delivery this unique program to preschools, child-care centers and in workshops for parents and children to take together.
Hadden Clinic for Children and Adolescents
Highly trained therapists provide guidance, psychotherapy and psychoanalysis for children and adolescents. The Clinic offers a range of evaluation, assessment, and treatment services in an ideal settling where clinicians can work with children. Scholarships provide assistance to families without insurance or other means of payment.
Reinberger Parent Child Resource Center
The Resource Center provides an environment where parents and caregivers can play with their child in a setting conducive to exploration and learning. Hanna Perkins Center also reaches out into the community with knowledge on child development and programs that promote mastery of developmentally appropriate skills. Financial support helps to further these important outreach services.
Training Programs in Child Psychoanalysis
Nationally recognized, Hanna Perkins child psychoanalysis training programs develops the next generation of child analysts and psychotherapists. Scholarships are vital in helping gifted clinicians pursue a post doctoral course of study leading to certification in child analysis.
Building Fund
In 2003, Hanna Perkins Center moved to Malvern School in Shaker Heights. The building was renovated to preserve its historic features and made energy efficient with geothermal heating and cooling. We were honored with the 2005 Preservation Award from The Cleveland Restoration Society. Support given to the building fund helps to maintain our 33,000 square foot building and the surrounding four acres of property.