
How kids’ personalities affect behavior

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Northeast Ohio Parent Magazine
Sept. 1, 2019

Personality traits like talkativeness and adaptability are hardwired. This is according to the study titled “On the Contextual Independence of Personality,” conducted at the University of California at Riverside. Christopher Nave, the study’s author, wrote, “personality resides within people, it is manifest through behavior in diverse ways across the varied settings of life.”

Parents recognize these hardwired tendencies because they are reflected in their child’s behavior — and teaching children appropriate behavior is about knowing their personalities.

Kimberly Bell, Ph.D., is the clinical director of the Hadden Clinic for Children & Families at The Hanna Perkins Center. She says the key is “really about meeting a child where they are and moving them forward in bearable bits.”

READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE at Northeast Ohio Parent Magazine



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