• Aligns with Ohio SUTQ content standards in the Social Emotional domain
  • Attachment
  • Self-concept
  • Self-regulation
  • 3 hours hours in 1 session
  • OA-L2

Trainer will review the basic developmental tasks of the toddler as he begins to become his own person. The importance of the mother/toddler relationship and the role of the Early Childhood Professional in helping families and toddlers in the separation process. Trainer will review the importance of effective observation when forming a relationship with toddlers and families. Participants can bring their own case example, or use one provided to discuss, reflect and problem-solve.


Participants will understand how the mother/toddler relationship will affect the beginning development of a toddler. Participants will review the behaviors that make a toddler a toddler.
  • Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
  • Area: Child Growth and Development
  • Subgroup: Developmental Process
  • Competency: 2.2 Identifies children’s differing developmental needs and implements responsive strategies.
Participants will identify the behaviors toddlers exhibit when mastering developmental tasks that help create their personality. Participants will learn the most important relationship between mother and toddler and how it will affect future development.
  • Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
  • Area: Child Growth and Development
  • Subgroup: Developmental Process
  • Competency: 1.3 Understands children’s developmental levels in relation to age appropriate norms and uses this information to meet the general needs of children showing typical development.
Participants will learn how to respectfully help parents understand what their role is in a successful separation.  Ways to help parents understand the importance of this process, and be sensitive and empathetic to parents and children while respecting culture and different parenting skills.
  • Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
  • Area: Child Growth and Development
  • Subgroup: Nurturing Relationships
  • Competency: 3.2 Collaborates with consultants and families in planning learning experiences for children’s individual needs.
Participants will learn ways to help toddlers feel safe and comfortable in their care, while also supporting the parent.
  • Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
  • Area: Child Growth and Development
  • Subgroup: Nurturing Relationships
  • Competency: 2.2 Provides support and guidance in consistent, non-threatening and positive ways that reinforce children’s feelings of confidence and competence.
Participants will understand how to observe children’s behaviors intentionally, and objectively. Understanding that behaviors communicate feelings.
Participants will reflect and problem solve by asking questions about relationship with the child in their care, and the child’s family
  • Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
  • Area: Child Observation and Assessment
  • Subgroup: Gathering and Documenting
  • Competency: 2.3 Incorporates observation and assessment strategies throughout the child’s day within their everyday settings.
Participants will demonstrate their understanding of the information presented during this training by selecting a case example, or using an example of their own, and reflecting on the behaviors, asking questions in order to come to a solution that will help the toddler be able to experience a separation without feelings of anxiety
  • Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
  • Area: Child Observation and Assessment
  • Subgroup: Summarizing and Interpreting
  • Competency: 3.1 Evaluates the multiple factors such as culture, language, environment and learning styles that may influence the observation and assessment data and provides additional supporting information when data from multiple sources is conflicting in nature.
This program is approved by the State of Ohio and is aligned with Ohio’s Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) standards.

To schedule this course for your organization, contact our Community Collaborations and Professional Development office.