Participants will understand the importance of helping toddlers master their self care skills in relation to healthy social emotional development. Participants will identify 3-5 activities/ways to promote self-care mastery in their daily schedule.
- Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
- Area: Learning Environments and Experiences
- Subgroup: Learning Experiences
- Competency: 3.2 Implements strategies to support the children’s role in planning curriculum based on the interests, skill levels and potential of each child.
Participants will discuss building better relationships with families and children in order to promote helathy social emotional development. Participants will identify ways to encourage children to manage feelings(age appropriately), explore and learn, and develop relationships with peers. Participants will identify ways to attend to social emotional needs of the toddler during their daily routines.
- Core Knowledge Document: Ohio’s Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies *REVISED*
- Area: Child Growth and Development
- Subgroup: Nurturing Relationships
- Competency: 2.4 Assists children in the development of healthy social and emotional development by supporting attachment, self-regulation and pro-social behavior.
Participants will identify ways toddlers benefit from experiencing feelings of aggression, identify why toddler aggression is so powerful for adults, ways to help toddlers contain their aggression and put their feelings into words, or redirect their aggression into productive activities.
- Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
- Area: Learning Environments and Experiences
- Subgroup: Interactions and Relationships
- Competency: 3.10 Relates guidance practices to knowledge of children’s personalities, levels of development and different learning needs.