• 3 hours hours in 1 session

Participants will understand the importance of creating schedules and routines that are predictable, in order to create a safe and secure environment for young children. Participants will learn how to plan a schedule considering children’s needs, attention span and levels of development. Participants will understand how to introduce routines to young children, and ways to use cues. Participants will discuss transitions, and anticipate what issues can occur during transitions in order to prevent difficulties from happening. Group activity and presentation is required.


Participants will understand the effect of creating and implementing dependable, predictable schedules and routines on children’s sense of security.
  • Core Knowledge Document: Ohio’s Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies
  • Area: Learning Environments and Experiences
  • Subgroup: Learning Experiences
  • Competency: 2.1 Implements and adjusts daily schedules and routine to ensure they are appropriate for all children’s learning and development. Plans and implements curriculum and instructional practices based on knowledge of individual children’s needs, interests and abilities as determined by assessment information.
Participants will identify the necessity of creating a schedule that includes a balance of activities the keep all children engaged. Participants will understand how to match activities to children’s specific developmental needs.
  • Core Knowledge Document: Ohio’s Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies
  • Area: Learning Environments and Experiences
  • Subgroup: Learning Experiences
  • Competency: 2.4 Integrates various opportunities into the learning environment that support curiosity, thinking and problem-solving for children.
Participants will identify the necessity of creating a schedule that includes a balance of activities the keep all children engaged. Participants will understand how to match activities to children’s specific developmental needs.
  • Core Knowledge Document: Ohio’s Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies
  • Area: Learning Environments and Experiences
  • Subgroup: Learning Experiences
  • Competency: 2.1 Implements and adjusts daily schedules and routine to ensure they are appropriate for all children’s learning and development. Plans and implements curriculum and instructional practices based on knowledge of individual children’s needs, interests and abilities as determined by assessment information.
Participants will understand the importance of creating and implementing smooth transitions and teaching and modeling those transitions to all children. Participants will evaluate and adjust transitions based on children’s needs.
  • Core Knowledge Document: Ohio’s Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies
  • Area: Learning Environments and Experiences
  • Subgroup: Learning Experiences
  • Competency: 2.1 Implements and adjusts daily schedules and routine to ensure they are appropriate for all children’s learning and development. Plans and implements curriculum and instructional practices based on knowledge of individual children’s needs, interests and abilities as determined by assessment information.
Participants will use their knowledge of child development to create an effective daily schedule, with engaging routines and smooth transitions that will support the needs of all children. Participants will be able to explain their decisions about how their choices benefit all children.
  • Core Knowledge Document: Ohio’s Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies
  • Area: Learning Environments and Experiences
  • Subgroup: Learning Experiences
  • Competency: 3.1 Implements strategies to support the children’s role in planning curriculum based on the interests, skill levels and potential of each child. Articulates, analyzes, evaluates, and applies current theory and research on design of curriculum in order to support individual and group growth.
Participants will reflect and share what they have learned in this session and discuss how to successfully implement in their classroom for the benefit of all children.
  • Core Knowledge Document: Ohio’s Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies
  • Area: Professionalism
  • Subgroup: Continuous and Reflective Professional Development
  • Competency: 3.1 Continues to purse ongoing, intentional learning through a professional development plan and facilitates professional development opportunities for others based on reflective approaches and adult learning styles.
This program is approved by the State of Ohio and is aligned with Ohio’s Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) standards.

To schedule this course for your organization, contact our Community Collaborations and Professional Development office.