• 3 hours hours in 1 session

Participants will understand the importance of keeping young children’s attention, and helping them focus on activities and tasks. We will discuss the ways an early childhood teacher can keep young children’s attention, and share examples. Participants will understand the importance of identifying attention deficits early, assessments and screening to use, and ways to help children maintain their focus without medication.


Participants will understand how early brain development is affected by different experiences. Participants will identify critical periods of early brain development, and the role nature and nurture play in early brain development.
  • Core Knowledge Document: Ohio’s Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies
  • Area: Child Growth and Development
  • Subgroup: Developmental Process
  • Competency: 2.1 Applies basic concepts and theories of child development and learning in work with children and can make direct connections to the program curriculum.
Participants will learn the importance of helping children focus in the classroom, the connection between keeping children’s attention and the development of executive functioning and self-regulatory skills.
  • Core Knowledge Document: Ohio’s Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies
  • Area: Child Growth and Development
  • Subgroup: Developmental Process
  • Competency: 2.1 Applies basic concepts and theories of child development and learning in work with children and can make direct connections to the program curriculum.
Participants will discuss strategies that will help young children focus during their daily routine. Participants will discuss ways they encourage young children to focus during their daily routine.
  • Core Knowledge Document: Ohio’s Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies
  • Area: Learning Environments and Experiences
  • Subgroup: Learning Experiences
  • Competency: 2.4 Integrates various opportunities into the learning environment that support curiosity, thinking and problem-solving for children.
Participants will understand that early detection of ADD/ADHD is important in order to provide therapy to the child, instead of medications. Participants will review the symptoms of attention deficit disorders and identify behaviors that would show these symptoms in the classroom. Participants will review NAEYC identified assessments and screening and discuss the benefits of using these tools.
  • Core Knowledge Document: Ohio’s Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies
  • Area: Observation and Assessment
  • Subgroup: Gathering and Documenting
  • Competency: 3.1 Evaluates the use of informal and formal assessments and the methods used to document children’s learning and development.
Participants will show their knowledge and comprehension of the information presented in this training by discussing in groups and presenting to the class. Discussion questions focus on brain development, classroom strategies and assessing behaviors to provide early intervention if there is a concern.
  • Core Knowledge Document: Ohio’s Early Childhood Core Knowledge and Competencies
  • Area: Child Growth and Development
  • Subgroup: Appropriate Environments and Experiences
  • Competency: 3.1 Evaluates the responsive learning environment to ensure that it is meeting the needs and interests of children, it reflects the culture of the children and it is connected to the curriculum and standards.
This program is approved by the State of Ohio and is aligned with Ohio’s Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) standards.

To schedule this course for your organization, contact our Community Collaborations and Professional Development office.