Creating an Emotionally Safe Preschool Classroom: Responsibility, Respect, and Relationships

  • Aligns with Ohio SUTQ content standards in the Social Emotional domain
    • Awareness & Expression of Emotion
  • 3 hours
  • OA-L3

This training builds on the previous 3 courses in the series: Discussing another form of bullying called “mean fun”. It will follow child development from toddler to preschool; identify how meanness starts (in toddlers) and how moms will help the toddler, and the consequences of not helping children recognize the way others can be hurt by words or actions. It also covers the important role of the bystander in mean fun behavior.

Previous parts of this class are not required prerequisites.


Participants will review current research and be able to identify 3 mean fun behaviors they have observed in their classroom.
  • Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
  • Area: Health, Safety and Nutrition
  • Subgroup: Safety
  • Competency: 2.3 Responds appropriately to bullying and makes every attempt to foster social development and skills that will keep bullying from developing in the first place.
Group discussion: Participants will discuss and identify 3-4 consequences to a child’s development :when hurtful toddler behavior is not stopped. Participants will identify how these consequences prevent the development of empathy and kind feelings towards others.
  • Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
  • Area: Child Observation and Assessment
  • Subgroup: Foundations and Principles
  • Competency: 3.1 Evaluates results considering the environmental factors and individual differences that will influence children’s performance.
Participants will identify the role of the bully, bystander and victim and the effects of the child’s development in later years. Participants will identify three important social skills to teach and model to preschool children in order to prevent these behaviors in the classroom and in the future. GROUP activity the participants will role play: teacher and students. The teacher” will read a story to the group and help the “children” problem solve the situation in the story.
  • Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
  • Area: Child Growth and Development
  • Subgroup: Developmental Process
  • Competency: 3.2 Analyzes, evaluates and applies current theory, research, and policy on child growth and development to general practice and the development of a personal teaching philosophy.
This program is approved by the State of Ohio and is aligned with Ohio’s Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) standards.
Continuing Education Units are available for this program through approval of the Ohio Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage & Family Therapist Board. Hanna Perkins is a CSWMFT-approved continuing education provider; No. RSC019904

To schedule this course for your organization, contact our Community Collaborations and Professional Development office.