Group Activity: after reading three case studies, participants will identify why is the child mad; if the child’s response is appropriate; if response is not appropriate, how does a teacher help the child express angry feelings appropriately using kind words.
- Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
- Area: Learning Environments and Experiences
- Subgroup: Interactions and Relationships
- Competency: 2.10 Uses a variety of positive direct and indirect guidance methods and avoids negative methods.
Group Activity: Participants will provide 3 examples of how mad feelings can lead to mean behaviors. Demonstrate how to respond and intervene to prevent the mean behaviors (in a kind way).
- Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
- Area: Learning Environments and Experiences
- Subgroup: Interactions and Relationships
- Competency: 3.10 Relates guidance practices to knowledge of children’s personalities, levels of development and different learning needs.
Group activity: Participants will develop 3 lesson plans in the social emotional concept area that promote children’s compassion and empathy towards others and promote their self esteem.
- Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
- Area: Learning Environments and Experiences
- Subgroup: Interactions and Relationships
- Competency: 3.5 Articulates and demonstrates realistic expectations for children’s attention spans, interests, social abilities, and physical needs when planning group experiences and teaches increased “groupness” and other social skills as appropriate.