Hanna Perkins is participating in the 2013 Good News Giving Program, in which The Plain Dealer, cleveland.com and Sun News will donate advertising space to 50 health and human service organizations in the Northeast Ohio area. Organizations that provide essential services to those in critical need right here in our community will be chosen by ballots cast by people like you through Sept. 18.
Please help Hanna Perkins and the families we serve by copying the bold-face text [Hanna Perkins Center for Child Development / 216-991-4472], then clicking on the image of the ballot below, and pasting the text into the write-in box of your completed ballot.
Vote today; balloting closes soon.
Vote online at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001tyKlp6Cr9P_oBW2FnQfBSPyxbghvLivGqpYV_X3SM0hB_8QcDXrdQ__2X1uIjUQOd6mv1hPAxox0_iEggoBMGirW4iaJFzsGhNrW9hdmnXXIB7hlP2d6brDWsTmGmEw_DzKDs0u9XxGhcszI5A5QtA==
Northeast Ohio Media Group will recognize the top agency with its Readers’ Choice Award and an additional $10,000 donation. In addition to the free advertising for the 50 organizations, the top 20 will also receive editorial exposure in print and online and monetary funding from donations made by the community.
About the Author:
Bob Rosenbaum manages the website and other communications functions for Hanna Perkins Center.