• 3 hours
  • OA-L3

Learn what impact the COVID 19 pandemic had, and continues to have, on young children’s development. Understand the effect of isolation on families’ mental health and the Early Learning community. Get help lessening the impact on young children and help them get back on their developmental track. Be able to identify when to bring in professionals for diagnosis and professional guidance.


Participants will define the history of COVID-19 in America.
  • Core Knowledge Document: Ohio’s CKC for ECMH Professionals
  • Area: Professional Development
  • Subgroup: Continuous and Reflective Professionalism
  • Competency: 3.4 Informs others about research and current knowledge related to the impact of high quality programs for all young children and families. Accepts research and guidance from team members outside the mental health sector (i.e. education, special education, etc.).
Participants will identify how COVID-19 affected parent’s mental health and levels of anxiety, which affected the child’s mental health and feeling of security. Participants will identify the ways that isolation effected children.
  • Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
  • Area: Child Growth and Development
  • Subgroup: Developmental Process
  • Competency: 3.2 Analyzes, evaluates and applies current theory, research, and policy on child growth and development to general practice and the development of a personal teaching philosophy.
Participants will discuss and identify the ways they and their peers experienced COVID-19 with group discussion.
  • Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
  • Area: Professional Development
  • Subgroup: Continuous & Reflective Professional Development
  • Competency: 3.1 Facilitates professional development opportunities for others based on reflective approaches and adult learning styles.
Participants will identify what worldwide research has identified as the impact of COVID on Early Learning professionals, and Children’s development. Participants will identify and define how to lessen the effects of the pandemic on children’s development.
  • Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
  • Area: Child Growth and Development
  • Subgroup: Developmental Process
  • Competency: 3.2 Analyzes, evaluates and applies current theory, research, and policy on child growth and development to general practice and the development of a personal teaching philosophy.
Participants will discuss and identify their thoughts about the future Early Leaning Profession and how they can make an impact on children’s development as we go forward. We will also evaluate the training.
  • Core Knowledge Document: CKC Field Guide for Social and Emotional Development
  • Area: Child Growth and Development
  • Subgroup: Developmental Process
  • Competency: 3.2 Analyzes, evaluates and applies current theory, research, and policy on child growth and development to general practice and the development of a personal teaching philosophy.
This program is approved by the State of Ohio and is aligned with Ohio’s Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) standards.

To schedule this course for your organization, contact our Community Collaborations and Professional Development office.