Kindergarten classroom


May 25-29

Lesson Plan

Click image for printable PDF

Here are the links for this week’s math activities. The activities are meant to be a review for what we learned in school this year. There is no online science since there was no school Monday. Any work can be uploaded under the “Portfolios” tab of Class Dojo. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out. Have an awesome week.

Math Morning Group

There are two review choices for morning group. The first website is a base 10 block activity and the second website is a comparison activity. Kindergarteners can choose one activity that they would like to do for morning group.

The first choice is to do a base 10 activity to make numbers. First click “Move Blocks” then “10-99”. Students drag and drop the base 10 blocks on the left side of the screen to make the number at the top. Kindergarteners can keep going to score 10.

Another choice is to do comparison on the Starfall website. Students choose which sign shows greater than and less than when comparing two objects. They may need help with the signs or a just reminder of that > means greater than and < means less than.

Math Afternoon Group

Again, there are two choices for afternoon group. The first website practices addition using marbles and the second website is a subtraction activity with objects. Kindergarteners can choose one activity to do for afternoon group.

Kindergarteners can drag and drop the marbles into the “jars” below to show the addition equation with objects then click the number to answer the problem. There are 5 levels that they can complete or work for about 20 minutes.

This website uses pictures for subtraction problems. There is a scratch pad in the top right corner for students to use if they would like to draw the problem to solve. The level is over when the bar on the bottom right is fully colored in.

Quiet Time

May 25 story: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus

May 26 story: How Really Great to Walk This Way

May 27 story: The Four Elements: Air

May 28 story: The Birthday Thing

May 29 story: The Four Elements: Earth

May 29 Music Lesson

May 18-22

GARDEN (Monday PM)

Class Dojo

  • DIRECTIONS: You can find the gardening directions from Ms. Cyrocki on our Class Dojo webpage or HPC Parent Portal.

  • We are beginning a unit of school community as we near the end of the year. This unit will encourage thoughts and conversations about information learned in kindergarten, your child’s experience, and what your child’s school experience will be like in 1st grade.
  • You can play the video from the beginning until it ends. The video will share similarities and differences between different types of transportation. While thinking of means of transportation, this may be a good time to discuss the different ways that students use transportation to get to and from school. You can also talk about how your child will get to and from school next year.
  • ACTIVITIES: ACTIVITY – complete the transportation bar graph.
  • Don’t forget you can always POP A JOKE!
  • When finished your child can copy, print, screen shot, or take a picture of their work to share with their teacher and classmates

Types of sentences

  • DIRECTIONS: We began a little exploration with sentence structure in March. This activity is practice with types of sentences.
  • You can play the video from the beginning to end. If your child is familiar with the sentence structure and proper punctuation you can stop the video when you feel ready or after about 1 minute. The video will discuss how and when to use periods, question marks, exclamation points, and commands.
  • ACTIVITIES: If you have a printer available ACTIVITY can be a fun coloring option for an extension of this lesson or  you can complete TALK ABOUT IT
  • Don’t forget you can always POP A JOKE!
  • When finished your child can copy, print, screen shot, or take a picture of their work to share with their teacher and classmates

Silent -e

  • DIRECTIONS: Click on the link above to go directly to the phonics section on BrainPOPjr.
  • This week’s video is all about the silent -e sound at the end of words. Your child can watch the video ending at 3:35. The rest of the video will review all of the ‘rules’ about silent -e. If your child is ready to listen more they can but if they are not it may be overwhelming learning all the rules at once.
  • ACTIVITIES: Your child will complete the GAME activity.
  • When finished your child can copy, print, screen shot, or take a picture of their work to share with their teacher and classmates

May 18 story: When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry

May 19 story: Today I Feel Silly

May 20 story: When Sophie Thinks She Can't

May 21 story: Have You Seen Trees?

May 22 story: Leo the Late Bloomer

Music, May 22

May 11-15

Lesson Plan

Click image for printable PDF
Online links

Good morning! Here are the links for this week’s science and math activities. Any work can be uploaded under the “Portfolios” tab of Class Dojo. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out. Have a great week 🙂

Science Morning Group

  • To start click “Sign in” > “Sign in with Boom”
  • Username: hannaperkins
  • Password: kindergarten1

The site may say “Is this you?” or “Play”. You can click on yes and play.

These interactive notecards ask students to match the pictures to the part of the plant being described. Kindergarteners should complete level two which asks them to find the picture to describe the parts of plants. Please have them listen to each description before answering. They do not need to answer the questions at the end of each level. A screen will pop up that says “Well done” and tell how many were correct to signify they are finished.

They should also document in their plant book from last week (on paper).

Math Morning Group

Kindergarteners are going to be solving subtraction problems online using drawings. You can decide to use the website above or any other website or app used for drawing. Students can decide how to draw to show the following problems:

  1. Our classroom had 5 books on the shelf. Mrs. Marotta took 1 book off the shelf and Ms. Koniar took 1 book off the shelf. How many books are left?
  2. There were 6 pieces of clay at the art table. 3 pieces of clay were used by students. How many pieces of clay are left?
  3. Ms. Cyrocki found 8 green beans on a plant in the garden. She picked 6 green beans to use in the kitchen. How many green beans are left on the plant?
Math Afternoon Group

This game is using balloons to learn subtraction. Students click to pop the number of balloons that are being subtracted.

Kindergarteners only need to work on rounds 1 and 2. Rounds 1 and 2 use numbers that are most useful for us to practice with. They may need help in between rounds with even and odd numbers.

Language Arts

Quiet Time

May 11 story: Seeds

May 12 story: In the Small, Small Pond

May 13 story: A Walk in the Forest

May 14 story: Tin Lizzie and Little Nell

May 15 story: Z is for Moose

May 4-8

Book to download from the teachers:

Online links

GAME (Monday PM): Starfall
  • Click on the link above to go the STARFALL website.
  • All of the kindergarteners are very familiar with the Starfall website activities because they are available in the classroom. Your child can feel free to click on any of the kindergarten or first grade reading or math games.
  • You can always feel free to substitute this time with an actual game that you have at home and play it together as a family. During this time at school we play board games such as Connect Four, Rush Hour, or Mancala to encourage social and emotional development among the class.

School Community Unit

  • We are beginning a unit of school community as we near the end of the year. This unit will encourage thoughts and conversations about information learned in kindergarten, your child’s experience, and what your child’s school experience will be like in 1st grade.
  • You can play the video from the beginning, stopping at 1:50, and play the video until it ends. The video will share similarities and differences between different schools. So some things may be familiar to your child already while some information may be new things to discuss about their experience they may have next year.
  • ACTIVITIES: TALK ABOUT IT – Discuss and write about the people in our school community.
  • Don’t forget you can always POP A JOKE!
  • When finished your child can copy, print, screen shot, or take a picture of their work to share with their teacher and classmates

Capital and lowercase letters:


  • We began a little exploration with sentence structure in March. This activity is practice with capital and lowercase letters.
  • You can play the video from the beginning, stopping at 1:07. If your child is familiar with the uppercase and lowercase letters you can stop the video when you feel ready or after about 1 minute. The video will discuss how to capitalize letters when typing, proper nouns, and why we always capitalize the ‘I’.
  • ACTIVITIES: If you have a printer available, ACTIVITY can be an option for an extension of this lesson or  you can complete 1-5 lines in TALK ABOUT IT
  • Don’t forget you can always POP A JOKE!
  • When finished your child can copy, print, screen shot, or take a picture of their work to share with their teacher and classmates

Consonant blends:


  •  Click on the link above to go directly to the phonics section on BrainPOPjr.
  • We are continuing our unit on blends.This week’s video is all about consonant blends. Your child can watch the entire video.
  • ACTIVITIES: Your child will complete the GAME activity.
  • When finished your child can copy, print, screen shot, or take a picture of their work to share with their teacher and classmates. 

Wednesday Math - Morning

The above images can be used as a reference to the sheets sent by mail

Wednesday Math - Afternoon

May 4 story: The Vegetables We Eat

May 5 story: Growing Like Me

May 6 story: Over the Meadow

May 7 story: Sh-h! Listen Again! Sounds of the Seasons!

May 8 story: Oh No, George

May 8: Music

April 27-May 1

Lesson Plan

Language Arts

Social Studies

Search and Find

Online links

This week’s links are listed down below. Science, Math morning group, and Math afternoon group will be online. Also, any work that kindergarteners want the teachers to see can be turned in on the Class Dojo page under “Portfolios”. If there are any questions feel free to reach out! Have a great week 🙂

Monday, April 27

Science Morning Group:

Click the “Launch” button on the picture of the cherry tomatoes. This will lead you to an interactive story to click through while the narrator describes how cherry tomatoes grow with pictures. At the end of the story, students click and move the pictures to show the correct order that cherry tomatoes grow. When they have the correct order there will be a star that says “Good Job!”

Wednesday, April 29

Math Morning Group:

  • Username: hannaperkins
  • Password: kindergarten1

This week we will start our introduction to subtraction. Kindergarteners should watch the video on basic subtraction. Please start at the beginning and stop the video at 2:20. We will only be working on the methods of pictures, counters, and number sentences.

After watching the video to 2:20, students can choose to complete the “Draw About It” activity or “Write About It”. “Draw About It” gives students a math problem and asks them to draw a picture to represent the problem. “Write About It” asks students to create their own subtraction problem and have someone else solve it. “Pop a Joke” and “Belly Up” are both fun tabs to click as well!

Math Afternoon Group:

This is a bowling game to practice subtraction. Students are told how many pins to click and knock them down. They then count to solve how many are left and choose the correct number to solve the problem. This goal is to allow kindergarteners to become more comfortable with subtraction and how they can solve problems. Each round is its own game so kindergarteners can play this for about 15 minutes.

April 27 story: Dewey There's a Cat in the Library

April 28 story: A Tree For Me

April 29 story: Caps For Sale

April 30 story: Butterfly Time

May 1 story: When I Feel Angry

Music, May 1

April 20-24

April 20 story: Sylvia's Spinach

April 21 story: What a Wonderful World

April 22 story: When I Miss You

April 23 story: Caps For Sale

April 24 story: Kevin and His Dad

Music, April 24

Online links

This week’s links are listed below. Science, Math morning group, and Math afternoon group will be online. Have a great week.

Science Morning Group
Username: hannaperkins
Password: kindergarten1

Kindergarteners should watch the video “Plant Adaptations” from the beginning to 2:35. They do not need to watch the part that begins “How have plants adapted to meet their needs for nutrients?” After watching the first 2.5 minutes, students should complete the “Draw About It” activity where they will draw two plants from different environments then compare and contrast. They can also look at the “Pop a Joke” tab!

Math Morning Group
Username: hannaperkins
Password: kindergarten1

Kindergarteners should watch the video on BrainPOP Jr. on solid shapes. Students should also complete the “Write About It” activity that asks about shapes they might see in an ice cream parlor. They should think of 2-3 objects they would see that are solid shapes, or 3D shapes as we might call them in school. Kindergarteners can also check out the “Pop a Joke” tab!

Math Afternoon Group

This link is on the Starfall website which students are familiar with from our Computer Center. There are 3 rounds where they match the shapes at the bottom of the page to the pictures at the top. There are both 2D and 3D shapes. They should play to get all 3 stars in the top left corner.

April 13 story: Have You Seen Trees?

April 14 story: Birdsongs

April 15 story: Wemberly Worried

April 16 story: Two Good Friends

April 17 story: Llama Llama Loves to Read

April 17: Music Time

April 6-10

April 6 story: City Dog & Country Frog

April 7 story: Under the Table

April 8 story: Frog and Toad Together

April 9 story: The Third-Story Cat

April 10: Music time

April 10 story: On My Way to Buy Eggs

March 30-Apr 3

Monday March 30
Username: hannaperkins
Password: kindergarten1

The page has 2 activities to do for today. First, kindergarteners should watch the short video on the main screen that talks about plants in the forests. Second, there is an activity called “Draw About It” under the video. Here there will be an activity where they can use the drawing tools to answer the question “What do we make from plants.” There is nothing that needs to be turned in for today.

Wednesday, April 1

Language Arts: Outdoor consonant blends (PDF)

Cooking: Making Lemonade (PDF)

Morning Group:
Username: hannaperkins
Password: kindergarten1
BrainPop Jr. Plane Shapes- Kindergarteners should watch the video about shapes, complete the “Draw About It” tab, and look at the “Pop a Joke” tab.

Afternoon Group:
Online Tangrams for kids- Medium level- Kindergarteners should practice matching shapes that are the same size and rotating them to make the shapes fit in the picture. Students can “find a stopping place” after about 20 minutes or complete 6 puzzles if they would like!

Preschool classroom


May 26-29

New teacher book

Click image to open PDF

May 25: Jonathan and His Mommy

May 26: Planting a Rainbow

May 27: Under the Table

May 28: Kevin and His Dad

May 29: When Sophie Thinks She Can't...

May 18-22

May 18: Over On the Farm

May 19: Cubes, Cones, Cylinders and Spheres

May 20: When I Miss You

May 21: Dewey: There's a Cat in the Library

May 22: Sing

May 11-15

May 11: Oh No, George

May 12: And Then It's Spring

May 13: Ginger

May 14: What Do Wheels Do All Day?

May 15: The Bus for Us

May 7 Story: One Magical Day

May 7 Story: One Magical Day

May 4 Story: The Important Book

May 4 Story: Birds

April 13-17

Letters from the teachers

Ms. Acierno's letter, week of April 13-17

Click image for larger view

Ms. Toossi's letter, week of April 13-17

Click image for larger view

Click the links below for printable PDFs of these letters

Parent/Toddler classroom


May 29 Story: I Went to School With Mommy

At-home materials

Book: I Go to School With Mommy at HPC (PDF)